Extremely fast web site loading speeds for your visitors from USA, Canada or Latin America

We understand that the website loading speed is of crucial importance for one’s online progress and that’s why our company offers you the choice to host your sites with the best–connected data centers in the U.S.A. – Colohouse. This data center is found in downtown Chicago and serves several of the biggest telecoms providers in the US. It gives you full redundancy in power and network connectivity, so that you can warrant the best website loading speeds for your visitors within the U.S.A., Canada and Latin America.

With our datacenter in the US you’ll be able to host all types of websites – from private blogs and little portfolio web sites up to huge corporate portals and active electronic stores. We provide you a variety of Linux cloud website hosting packages packages to select from determined by your specific demands. All the plans have a 99.9% server uptime guarantee and are backed up by a 24x7 support service. You can select the datacenter in the US on the web hosting sign up form.

Other US Hosting Services

The alternative web hosting solutions accessible in our datacenter in the US are: Linux VPS Web Hosting Packages USA. Identically to our Cloud Website Hosting USA, each other web hosting service in the datacenter in the US is protected by a 99.9% network uptime guarantee as well as a 24/7 technical support service. Furthermore, with each US hosting service, you will get our free of cost, modern Hepsia Control Panel, which can help you in enhancing your site.