The two most popular reasons to get a web server of your own are when a shared Internet hosting account cannot cope with the load of the websites hosted inside it or if the web sites demand certain software to be operating on the machine, but it cannot be installed on a shared server. In these situations you can get your own hosting server, but this also means that you'll be responsible for its maintenance, which is not the case with a shared hosting server where the hosting company carries out everything. In this light, we've designed a Managed Services upgrade, which can be added to any of our hosting server plans if you do not have the time or the expertise to take care of your machine. Our system administrators shall set up and troubleshoot software, update your Operating System plus much more as to supply you with the opportunity to concentrate on developing your sites instead of handling different maintenance tasks.

Managed Services Package in VPS Web Hosting

The Managed Services plan is available for every virtual private server we offer and if you'd like to take advantage of this additional service, you are able to add it with a few clicks when you sign up or at a later point in time using your VPS billing area. The upgrade could be renewed every month, so you can decide if you'll use it all the time or just every now and then if you need it. It provides various things that will make the management of your hosting server a lot easier - a weekly backup of the entire virtual private server regardless of how much space you have used, regular monitoring of the running processes and restarting if needed, weekly Operating System updates for better protection and performance, and installation and troubleshooting of third-party apps. That way you can make use of the full capacity of a virtual web server without having to worry about the technical part as we will help you with any challenge that you could experience.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The upgrade is available with all of the dedicated servers hosting which we offer and if you would like to take full advantage of all services it offers, you can add it with a click on the server order page or whenever you need it from your billing CP. You may also determine if you'll use this upgrade continuously given that it could be renewed separately from the dedicated server plan. When you have very important information on the hosting server, we will back it up regularly as 50 Gigabytes of disk space on an individual hosting server will be at your disposal. Our administrators will also keep tabs on the server at all times, install the most up-to-date updates for its Operating System and reboot it whenever this is needed. Since the Managed Services upgrade provides installation and troubleshooting too, they can also help you with any third-party software and handle the installation for you. This will allow you to use our server even if you are not incredibly tech-savvy and you haven't used a hosting server of your own before.