If you ever have any inquiries about the hosting service or you face a problem with your sites, you’ll have to touch base with the hosting company’s tech support team. It may not matter how promptly they will answer if you’ve got a generic query, but an issue like a blundered software app update, for instance, may lead to your website becoming damaged or inaccessible on the web. And the longer you wait for the support team to get back to you, the longer the website will be inoperative. In case you offer services or goods online, any downtime will influence your website in a bad way and you can lose current or potential customers. Many web hosting providers, primarily resellers, respond to emails and trouble tickets within 24 hours, but in the Internet era this is much too long, as clients will scarcely ever come back to a website that’s not functioning correctly for prolonged stretches of time.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Website Hosting

With a cloud website hosting from us, you can just forget about waiting around for hours and hours on end, or even one whole day, to obtain a response to a support ticket or an email. Irrespective of when you get in touch with us, we’ll respond to you within less than 60 minutes with any technical or pre-sales enquiries you might have. The fact is, our actual response time almost never exceeds 20-30 minutes. As we are available to you around the clock, you will always obtain support in a well-timed fashion and we are aware of exactly how crucial that is in the Internet world. Soon after you contact us, we’ll answer your enquiries. If you experience any technical predicament, we will deal with it instead of you, or we will supply you with all the required information if there’s something that you have to do yourself.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you can take advantage of our amazingly fast support services. You will get a response to any trouble ticket posted through the hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our technical and customer support staff in less than 1 hour. The response time is guaranteed and it is valid regardless of the matter – technical or billing. Often, it takes much less time to explore and rectify a problem. We will provide you with more information if the solution entails something that has to be done on your end. If you get in touch with us during weekends or public holidays, the response time will be the same and considering the fact that our support staff will be at your service 24-7-365, you’ll receive timely assistance for any technical, general or billing issue irrespective of the hour at which you contact us.