Usually customers consider just the features they'll get with a particular cloud website hosting plan and forget something just as essential - the service uptime. As efficient as a plan could be, frequent downtimes may result in lower search engine ranking positions and lost potential customers regardless of what the reason behind them is. Naturally, not a lot of people would come back to a site that's unavailable 50 % of the time, not mentioning the wasted capital assuming you have invested in a marketing campaign. For this reason, when you purchase a new web hosting package, you should make sure that the service shall be stable and your sites will be online always. This means more traffic, or in case that you've got an online store, for example, better uptime usually means happier customers.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Website Hosting

If you obtain a cloud website hosting plan from our company, we ensure that your Internet sites are going to be working at least 99.9% of the time. We've virtually eliminated the web server downtime by using a state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform where separate groups of web servers deal with each individual portion of the overall service - files, databases, e-mails, and so on. In that way, if there is a problem with a server, the other servers inside the cluster shall simply take over and your sites will not be affected in the slightest. In order to avoid any infrastructure troubles, we additionally have diesel backup generators and a few independent Internet providers. Knowledgeable administrators check the servers 24/7 to correct any software problems that may appear while hardware and software firewalls will prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server plans offer a 99.9% uptime warranty. In fact, you won't detect any downtime or service interruptions at all because of the fact that we use an innovative cloud platform and rather than managing everything on just one web server like most providers do, we have separate clusters of servers that deal with every single service - files, e-mail messages, CP, databases, and so forth. We have a custom made load-balancing system, so our hosting service is way more stable compared with what you would typically find available. To make sure that nothing will disrupt the work of your websites, our server facilities have diesel backup generators and several different Internet providers. We also have software and hardware firewalls to prevent DDoS attacks and professionals overseeing the servers 24/7 to tackle any software issue that may appear.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Web Hosting

All of our Virtual Private Server packages include a 99.9% uptime guarantee. The stability and availability of the service is ensured by several Internet providers and diesel powered backup generators. In addition, we use new hardware for the physical hosting servers in which the VPS accounts are set up to prevent any probability of hardware crash and each and every part has been tested carefully. The integrity of your information is ensured by using enterprise-level hard disks working in RAID and the uptime guarantee time includes all routine maintenance procedures, so your web sites are going to be up and running practically without any disruptions. Our experienced administrators will resolve quickly any software issue which may show up, so even if there is an issue with a different virtual private server account on the physical server, your VPS isn't going to be affected. The hosting server uptime is listed on our site and not hidden in our Terms of Service simply because we can keep our promise and provide you with an incredibly stable hosting service.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you acquire a dedicated server plan from us, you can take full advantage of our service and network uptime guarantee. We'll make certain that your web hosting server is accessible no less than 99.9% of the time no matter what. We employ new, thoroughly tested hardware components to assemble each server and we guarantee that all the pre-installed software is functioning properly before the web server is handed over to the customer. We have also taken measures to avoid any possible infrastructural problems - the constant power supply is guaranteed by powerful diesel generators, while 24/7 access to the dedicated servers is ensured by employing numerous independent Internet service providers. Our professionals are available constantly, including weekends and holidays, so even if any unanticipated challenge arises, they'll resolve it promptly to prevent any downtime of your server and the websites or offline applications accommodated on it.