What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open–source CMS application, which is the system behind lots of websites and applications, like several of the most significant web sites on the web for example – Economist.com and WhiteHouse.gov. It is looked after by a worldwide community of over 500,000 consumers and administrators who constantly add fresh revisions and integrate the most evolved technologies on the web.

You’re able to use Drupal to make any kind of website – a private blog, bulletin board, a media web site, an e–shop, etc. A result of the large amount of accessible add–on modules and preconfigured web themes for feature–rich web sites, you have a great foundation for jump–starting your web site.

Drupal is a trademark of Dries Buytaert and shares no affiliation with ZayCloud Hosting Service.

Drupal–Optimized Linux Cloud Website Hosting Packages Services

In case you are looking for the swiftest solution to start off your Drupal website then you’ve came to the right place. At ZayCloud Hosting Service we offer automatic Drupal installation and configuration with all our Drupal Linux cloud website hosting packages accounts. With each and every Drupal Linux cloud website hosting packages account, you’ll be able to choose a brand new academy domain for just $40.49, or move your current one – again 100% free!

Our Drupal Linux cloud website hosting packages packages are safeguarded with a 99.9% service uptime guarantee as well as a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. Each and every Linux cloud website hosting packages account features unrestricted disk space, unlimited traffic and unlimited MySQL storage. In addition, our tech support crew is ready to help 24/7. They have a 1–hour max answer time guarantee and most of the time respond inside of 20 minutes.

A Point & Click Online Control Panel

ZayCloud Hosting Service’s Drupal Linux cloud website hosting packages bundles offer a user–friendly and uncomplicated Online Control Panel, which was entirely made by us. It is provided in numerous languages and designs, to help you to customize it according to your personal preferences. The Control Panel features a point and click user interface that has a wide selection of apps, that can give you complete control over the content of your website.

You’re going to get a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Drupal files will be placed, a Database Manager for your own databases, plus a fully featured Email Account Manager through which you can control all your mailboxes. Additionally, you get access to an in depth stats tool that will update you with real–time info on your traffic and resource consumption.