In the ZayCloud Hosting Service Online Control Panel, you can find a practical tool that will allow you to set up a completely new PHP framework in seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool automates the entire process on your behalf, and consequently eliminates the necessity to get a hold of, add and then also set up your framework before starting your enterprise. You’re going to be ready to start off your framework dependent projects very fast, with no effort.

Various frameworks available

Initiate your online projects with a framework

When using the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer incorporated into the ZayCloud Hosting Service Online Control Panel, it will be easy to install several PHP frameworks, each of them providing a special variety of features and benefits: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each individual PHP framework is upgraded to the present stable release and its installation requires absolutely no setup in any way.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework installment

Your personal PHP framework is merely a mouse click away

The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is built to operate on the very same basic principle like our App Installer – with little effort needed from you and our system performing all of the hard work for you. PHP frameworks are set up with a couple of clicks with no installation demanded by you. Everything you should do is choose the spot of your respective PHP framework. That’s all.

We keep a log of the installed PHP frameworks so you can un–install each PHP framework that you don’t require with just a click of the mouse.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click data backup

The best technique to back up a framework

Every solid coder knows that it’s very important to keep a backup of one’s venture to rely upon in case of a difficulty. That’s why, we included a 1–click backup instrument to the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer. It helps you to back up your current framework including all transformations you’ve made, with merely a click of the mouse.

There isn’t any backup restriction. Provided that you have available disk space within your account, you could make as many backups as you desire.

1-click backup