In the ZayCloud Hosting Service web hosting control panel you’ll find a handy site generator that you can leverage to create a brand new, good looking website by yourself. It’s really plain to learn, even if you aren’t well versed in web development. The tool features a lot of site themes available in many color configurations that you can edit to your liking. And last but not least, your site will appear flawless on mobile devices!

The site generator is included with all Linux cloud website hosting packages, VPS web hosting packages, Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, and dedicated servers hosting packages which come with the ZayCloud Hosting Service Online Control Panel.

An easy–to–use site generator

No web development experience is necessary

The most important feature of the ZayCloud Hosting Service’s site generator is that it’s really simple as ABC. It uses content blocks which you can add, modify and move around to your taste. Anytime, you can embed images and videos, set up a blog, or place a photo gallery on your site, all with a mouse click.

You can accomplish all that and make a cool website without having to pen a single line of HTML, PHP or MySQL, etc.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

A variety of easy–to–redesign site designs

Cool website themes that look flawless on all devices

Regardless of what sort of site you wish to set up, the ZayCloud Hosting Service’s site generator will have a solution for you. It offers a huge library of zero–cost website templates that are perfect for any kind of sites – personal pages, e–commerce stores, discussion boards, and so on.

To make your site even more enticing right from the start you can see the variety of different design layouts and color configurations present along with every site theme. Plus, to top it all off, each website theme offers built–in support for more than 100 different web fonts which you can play with with just a click of the mouse. Also, you’ll gain immediate access to a vast set of ready–made images.

In case you wish to replace your theme at some moment, all tweaks you have made will be transferred over to the new theme as well.

A variety of easy–to–redesign site designs

Built–in helpdesk and how–to video tutorials

Watch exactly how quick & easy it really is to jumpstart an online presence

If you need any type of assistance making use of the ZayCloud Hosting Service’s site generator, there are multiple step–by–step articles and video tutorials that are influenced by the most commonly asked questions.

Using them, you will be able to discover how to tweak your current template, how to add new pages to a site or perhaps how to install an image gallery.

In the case you are unable to locate the info you need there, you can always reach out to us. We’re available anytime and we reply to all tickets in less than 1 hour, guaranteed.

Video Tutorials